Creativity > Anxiety

In January I was in a bad way. My anxiety level was insane. I don’t want to go into it very far because it was a very strange and difficult few weeks. Maybe losing someone so significant has traumatised me. Maybe I was always going to struggle that way. Anyway, I reached out for helpContinue reading “Creativity > Anxiety”

TV and Jewellery

Dear Diary… I finished watching The Watcher on Netflix today (yesterday, I wrote most of this yesterday), I love psychological thrillers and dramas. I was awake until about 3am watching 5 episodes last night (the other night). I watched the remaining 2 today (yesterday)… What a dud the ending was! Screw you Netflix and theContinue reading “TV and Jewellery”

My Jewellery Style #1

Something has occurred to me today relating to the branding that I want to create. I’ve been watching Tiffany and Co videos and looking for high end jewellery online. Of course anthing high end should have a story. I’ve been fascinated by high end things for a while. I don’t buy anything high end andContinue reading “My Jewellery Style #1”